Benefits of Quinoa

Quinoa, a South American seed vegetable, benefits blood pressure and blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol, inflammation and subsequent heart disease and cancer. It is a low carb complete protein packed gluten free food often substituted for a grain.High magnesium levels normalize blood pressure as it relaxes blood vessels. High quercitin, omega 3 and saponin levels  reduce,  inflammation. The Journal of Food Science found the saponins in quinoa decrease nitric oxide, an inflammatory mediator, in a 2014 study.  It also inhibits inflammatory cytokines that reduce tumor necrosis. Quinoa  reduces obesity when ingested daily.It is a low sodium food high in dietary fiber. International standards are being discussed to assure quality. Nasa is considering quinoa as a cultivated crop for lengthy manned  space flights. Quinoa will surely be an important food for the future.
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