Cosmos caudatus

1 dram (1/6oz) concentrate
1/2oz or 15ml concentrate

Cosmos essence brings order and harmony to everyday affairs. As the mind becomes in tune to perfect order, the body and emotions harmonize. 

The personality becomes cheerful, curious and difficult to offend. The essence enhances humility in a pure heart.

Historically, Native Americans used cosmos tea to promote bone formation in infants. The delicate nectar flavor added to foods were believed to reduce aching, sore muscles, hunger, and itchy scalp. Natives believed, as cosmos purified the system, the individual would become one with the universe and as powerful as the sun.

                                " I find my balance in the perfect order of the universe."

Massage 2 drops on unopened skin, 3 x daily.

Testimonial: "Smells good. Works great. Highly recommended. I gifted some to my daughter", Ercell R. 

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