Absorption ( ginger and spices)

2 oz Spray
1 dram (1/6 oz) concentrate
1/2 ounce

 Absorption offers warming, nurturing aromas to support the body. Our health depends on what we absorb and the metabolism to use the energy. Average adult absorption is less than 60% and as low as 10%. Poor absorption leads to bloating and inflammation contributing to, moodiness, body aches, energy fluctuations and weight issues.  Our brain function and mental acuity is directly linked to gastrointestinal health. Absorption is used topically in hospitals to support movement inside the body and dispel coldness. Ginger is recognized as safe by the FDA, including during lactation. 

In an overview of 26 studies in 2022, ginger root significantly reduced triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and increased HDL good cholesterol.

Apply 2 drops three times daily. The abdomen is a good area to massage the essence blend. Avoid open skin. For spray, mist neck 3 x daily.

Aromas include Immortelle, native Texas Orange, Cardamom, Ginger, cinnamon leaf, Magnolia and several Petite Fleur Essences that support the aromas.

Testimonial: "Absorption helps me not eat too fast, and produces a productive attitude and clarity about my work, "Jon.

Good Manufacturing Practices

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