Cognitive Decline and Memory Loss

Cognitive Decline and Memory Loss


Age related cognitive decline is common and now believed to be caused by unseen vascular disease. It may also be one of the major causes of Alzheimer’s.

 Dr. Griiffin has created natural organic herbal and aromatherapy blends to enhance cognition and vascular health.


Recall Memory is a topical aromatic blend of her Petite Fleur Essences and essential oils used in hospitals and clinics to enhance memory.


Circulate is an aromatherapy blend increasing blood flow, memory and energy


Clear Thinking is an herbal tonic, drunk as a tea, promoting blood circulation to the brain.


Vascular is an herbal tonic, drunk as tea, successfully used to facilitate vascular health.


Circulation is an herbal tonic, drunk as a tea, successfully used to improve blood flow and viscosity.


For more information:

For consultation by phone or in person with Dr. Griffin call 1-800-496-2125


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