
Additional Benefits of Female Serenity

Other benefits of Female Serenity include improved circulation, balanced blood pressure, more energy and a serene disposition. Female Serenity raises the pain threshold using herbs that reduce spasms, inflammatory responses and detoxify the liver. Immune stimulation of white and T-helper and suppressor cells help reduce excess fluid in the lower body and blood sugar regulations are often experienced. Please do not use Female Serenity during pregnancy. 


Over 60% of the U.S female population experience hormonal symptoms and many can be helped using Female Serenity, which is an organic product using certified organic herbs, including Angelica senesis, Rehmannia glutinosa cooked, Paeonia alba, Astragalus membranacus, Agnus Cactus, Jujube red date, Buplerum, and Polygonum multiflora. I brew Female Serenity up to 24 hours before preparing the final tonic. Learn more about longevity female herbals from Mother Nature’s Herbal and Flowers that Heal


For references of the healing qualities of herbs: Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.


For more information or to order, please call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125 or visit her website at


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Female Serenity is a Herbal Tonic

 Female Serenity is a longevity herbal tonic, enhancing a long productive life. A longevity tonic is building, the longer you use it the more it can help you. Female Serenity provides nutrients to encourage natural bodily functions and balance the emotions. Longevity tonics are not formulated for acute conditions, such as blinding headaches, fever, nausea and vomiting. Seek medical help if acute conditions occur. Female Serenity is most beneficial combined with a balanced diet, exercise, massage and aromatherapy. Women taking estrogen blockers should not use Female Serenity. I have formulated another herbal called Clear Thinking that also helps reduce memory and menopausal symptoms. Female Serenity and Clear Thinking are liquids dosed by drops diluted into hot water to be taken as a tea. As little as one drop and up to 15 drops may be used 3 times daily. Continue reading

Female Serenity Herbal for Menopause, PMS, Fertility and Female Problems

Female Serenity

Female Serenity is an herbal longevity tonic I formulated for female problems over 25 years ago. Female Serenity has been used clinically to reduce menopausal symptoms, PMS and increase fertility for interested women. This has helped women of all ages after puberty arrives with female problems such as irregular menses, hot flashes, mood swings, painful periods, polycystic ovaries and hormone irregularities. Female Serenity regulates the reproductive system and revitalizes stamina, happiness and creativity.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common hormonal disorder among reproductive females. Enlarged ovaries, with many cysts, cause infertility, painful menses, body hair, acne and obesity due to insulin resistance and excess androgen. Insulin resistance can also cause acanthosis nigricans, dark velvet skin on various locations of the body. Hormone therapy, such as birth control, is often recommended.


A complementary therapy may include Female Balance topically, Female Serenity and/or Vitex herbal teas.


For more information go to

For a personal consultation, call Dr. Judy Griffin at 1-800-496-2125


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The Power of Pheromones

The Power of Pheromones


Many people are interested in using essential oil blends for attraction and enhancing sexuality. Pheromones are hormone type substances included in our body odor. Personal odor affects choice of partners and enhances sensuality. Male perspiration is chemically similar to testosterone, the sexual hormone. Women’s menstrual cycle is regulated by a female odor. These and other odors can be enhanced by a healing aroma blend. These blends can also lift a depressed premenstrual mood or enhance self esteem and a poor body image. We like ourselves when we smell good and we produce a pleasing body odor when we are content. Essential oils, healing fragrant waters and Petite Fleur Essences contain pheromones. Only chemically produced synthetic odors and perfumes create negative moods and emotions. Naturally produced organically grown aromas and flower essences can help let go of the past, stored in the limbic brain cells, and create the person you choose to be: healthy, relaxed, content in the present moment and under grace.


The healing aromas include Rose from Damask or Centifolia Roses, Sandalwood, Geranium, Sage, Marjoram, Lavender, and Marigold Mint. Blends include Self Image , Romance  and Men’s Romance  .


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Osteoporosis is decreased bone density, leading to fractures and pain. Thirty percent of women over 65 have osteoporosis. A small percentage of older men have osteoporosis. Hormone deficiencies, lower mobility and exercise reduce bone density and strength. Calcium alone has little effect increasing bone density. Most calcium supplements are not well absorbed. Calcium carbonate is chalk. It is a better antacid than calcium supplement. I use an hydroxy appetit well absorbed form of calcium with synergistic minerals and strontium, a potent bone builder.

A natural form of vitamin D3 enhances healthy bones and teeth. Recent studies confirm low levels of vitamin D in adults throughout North America. If you are in sunlight daily, vitamin D is only absorbed through the skin several hours after exposure. Most sunbathers and workers wash vitamin D off before it is absorbed. Vitamin D3 can repair osteoporotic bones tissue much faster than calcium. Vitamin D3 is well absorbed, especially in combination with Vitamin K2.

Calcium utilization is linked to Vitamin K2. This nutrient prevents bone loss, repairs weakness and removes calcium plaque from arterial walls, also promoting cardiovascular health. The most bioavailable form is Menaquinone-7 or MK-7.

Natural phyto-hormones are available and easily assimilated in my Female Serenity formula. Plant hormones are safe and effective for use with osteoporosis and natural hormone therapy. They work with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone receptors in a lock and key format. If the body requires the hormone, it is delivered to the receptor site. Otherwise, the herbs work as a blood cleanser to removed toxins and metabolic waste from the body. The amount of actual hormone is 1/400th of a pharmaceutical dose, a level that will not build toxicity in the body. Female Serenity is a liquid, which allows the dose to be tailored to an individual’s needs. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are necessary to build and repair strong bones in women in small amounts.

Female Serenity is enhanced with a tincture of polygonum multiflorum, fo ti. This root has a 5000 year history of use for building strong bones. I offer it alone for women who are hormone positive breast cancer survivors. it is also in a liquid form for dose management. Fo ti tincture is a potent energizing herb, more popular in the Orient than ginseng for longevity.

Therapeutic blends also enhance bone density and promote healthy bones. Inner Strength formula has increased bone density for individuals without the use of medications or calcium supplementation. Female Balance is another therapeutic blend used to help women balance and utilize natural hormones. It is used alone to reduce menopausal PMS, painful menses and endometriosis symptoms. Both formulas can be applied topically to pulse points on the neck and wrist or directly on a low bone density area.

Bone pain and subsequent muscle spasms can be prevented and reduced with daily application of the No More Pain and Pain Management lotions. Apply directly to the affected area twice daily of each lotion. Manage Pain therapeutic blend may be worn on the affected, neck or wrist to reduce and relieve pain and the stressors associated with pain.

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Hormone imbalance can cause or be a result of chronic pain. Men and women suffer from pain, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression and anxiety, muscle wasting, memory problems, cystitis, osteoporosis and low libido. Low testosterone in men and women can increase inflammation.

Essences that enhance hormonal balance are Female Balance and Male Power. Fluctuating estrogen levels and low estrogen levels can induce migraine headaches.

Female Serenity herbal tonic contains phyto (plant) hormones that help balance estrogen and progesterone levels. The dose can be moderated because it is a liquid.

Testosterone levels can be enhanced by supporting the adrenals. Inner Strength essence is helpful. DHEA supports adrenal and testosterone levels.

All hormone levels can be checked by your physician through blood work. Treatment should be as natural as possible.

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Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder which may include the urethra. Interstitial cystitis is a much more complex inflammation of the granular tissue, which looks like hemorrhages inside the bladder. Symptoms include burning, itching and pain. Manage Pain and Urinary Tract Support blends reduce symptoms. Apply every 30 minutes when pain and burning occur. Use twice daily on an ongoing basis to reduce occurrence. Manage Pain and Urinary Tract Support may also reduce symptoms of kidney infection and nephritis. These problems must also be treated by a licensed health care practitioner.


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