Sarcoidosis Testimonial

At 40 years old, Evelyn was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and told she probably had it all of her life. Sarcoidosis is characterized by widespread granulomatous lesions that affect any organ or tissue. Evelyn’s affected her lungs, ovaries and previously lymph nodes. At the time we did a consult and special blend, she had several 1.7cm. Lesions in her lungs with concern for her heart’s health. 

A special blend Is 1 ounce, lasting several weeks. Within a few months of wearing her Petite fleur special blend, individualized for physical, mental and emotional  well being, Evelyn had a cat scan, there is no pulmonary nodules, embolism or edema, her lungs are clear of sarcoidosis as well as her heart and ovaries. Her lymph’s are normal and her blood pressure is normal. Her doctors took her off blood pressure medicine. 

The Petite Fleur essences and essential oil blends catalyze the body’s ability to heal. The body only knows how to heal and heals at its own pace. 

Claim your greatest health in a consult with Dr. Griffin and unique healing blend.


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