
New Youtube Channel

You are invited to view our new Youtube channel, aromahealthtexas, with 2 new videos weekly.

 There are several videos published for your information and pleasure. Garden tours feature roses and flowers with information about the plant, how it helps us and the products we make from the flowers.

Extra enjoyment comes from visual tours of beautiful gardens, eclipse filming in a garden, wild garden trails and fields of wildflowers.

Please join us. We would love for you to subscribe, but happy if you view videos. 

Email or send me questions through Youtube. We welcome recommendations and suggestions.

See ya'll soon! 

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Testimonial for Lighten up from friends in the U.K.

I use the Lighten up spray in my private yoga sessions and workshops and I have found that there is a significant difference when I use it-the students feel happier and more relaxed.

As A kinesiologist, I tend to use the spray with clients who are quite tense, before I start the session. Very few people seem to have any knowledge of what Kinesiology is and how it works, so clients can be apprehensive before the first session

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Testimonial about a Special Blend

Just wanted you to know that the kidney blend has worked extremely well. It absorbs fast, smells lovely and I have no problems with edema or incomplete urination anymore! What a relief!

Also, lots of deep fears that I didn't know I harbored came up by the third time I used it. and the special blend kept me going and healing without emotional distress. Just wanted to say thanks.

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Jasmine grandiflora Natural Perfume

Jasmine grandiflora has a euphoric aroma that increases the attractiveness of the recipient. The scent brings out an awareness allowing one to open to trusting love in the many ways it manifests in our lives. Jasmine absolute aroma dissolves fears and emotional blocks as it quickly changes moods and diminishes psychological dilemmas. The scent is so powerful, it can ease issues of trust.

Aroma Health now offers a natural perfume of Jasmine grandiflora absolute available at 


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