
Quality Rose Oil Skincare and Self Care

Rose oil products are the most natural way to improve skin. Properties are anti-inflammatory helping to calm eczema, rosacea. and dry or chapped skin. The oil is also anti-bacterial, reducing acne causing bacteria.

High quality rose skincare minimizes fine lines, evens skin tone and leaves skin smooth and silky to touch. Aging spots lighten and diminish over time.

Rose oil can also improve mood, increase relaxation and reduce nervousness. Topically, or by inhalation, it releases sphineterin, a hormone used to reduce headache, menstrual discomfort and increase "feel good" endorphins.

In hospitals over 44 years, I used our rose blends, such as Harmony blend, to reduce loneliness, fears, pain and breathing difficulties. The AromaHealth blends were also used before and after surgeries to reduce pain, help normalize blood pressure, breathing and increase recovery time. Loved ones also enjoyed rose blends to increase hope, reduce fears and exhaustion. Nurses and therapists wore the blends to reduce stress and increase stamina. They are courageous caretakers.

Rose oil and products carry the highest vibrational enhancing properties of all plants and essential oils. allow Aroma Health products to create a self-nurturing environment for you and loved ones. 

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Transforming Stress and Anxiety

AromaHealth blends can help retrain the brain, affecting trauma , anxiety depression and many physical symptoms and life threatening diseases. Learn how Inner Voice, Inner Critic, Inspiration and Free the spirit remove boundaries and restrictions to allow the parasympathetic response to attract positive enrgy into the body/mind. Continue reading

Research on copper regulation for sleep

Recent research at Berkeley suggests copper regulates sleep. Copper is needed to release the enzyme dopamine hydro-lase associated with nor-epinephrine in the locus coeruleus of the brain, which regulates sleep.

The locus coeruleus is rich with copper. This part of the brain collects sensory info while awake, regulates cerebral blood flow to the brain and is associated with stress, anxiety, emotional sensitivity, attention deficit disorders and post traumatic stress syndrome.

Christopher Chang, at U.C. Berkeley is researching copper modulation in relation to sleep and fatigue disorders. The next step may be elevate copper in this brain region to determine if it enhances sleep.

  Copper is dependent on liver function to eventually become available in the locus coeruleus. Zinc and copper must be balanced on a cellular level for either mineral to be available in  multiple enzyme processes.

There are many foods high in copper, including walnuts, sesame tahini, asparagus, and grapes.

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